Let's try this again...
OK, Blogger is driving me nuts! It won't let me post pictures! Grrrr...I'll get to the bottom of this, but until then...
This last week has been a quiet one for us. With the craziness that lies in Time Out, and all the marketing whirl, it's been nice to sit with our families and be calm for a minute. (Oh wait, I can't believe I was thinking being with kids equals calmness...)
I wanted to share a quick thought today-lately I've had some challenges arise regarding my calling in the ward. This week, an answer was provided to me through my Stake YW Presidency. It requires a lot of work on my part, but the outcome would not only bless the young women in my ward, but their families. However, even knowing all the positive things that would come from the hard work, I was initially overwhelmed, and to be honest, my first thought was "No thanks!" This was not the answer I expected! I knew in my heart it was right, but I was scared. What if my family suffers? What if I fail? What if it has the opposite effect and I make things worse? Then I remembered a scripture I read about a month ago in Mosiah. It says, "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." (Mosiah 8:18)
So I am once again learning the lesson, that through Him, all things are possible. So now, I welcome this challenge! I want to encourage all of you who are facing a problem right now, to have the faith to work mighty miracles. You have the power to be a great benefit to those around you, and if you put your trust in the Lord, he will bless you and your family for your effort.
And last but not least-our thank you "Shout Out" this week goes to our own Krista Maurer, marketing guru. We're so grateful for all the work she's put into getting our album out there. She's worked tirelessly answering our dumb emails and questions, and has taught us to be "Gracious"! Thanks Krista, for all you do-we love ya! XOXO