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Music to help you celebrate this sacred holiday.
Need an idea (and free printable) to get your neighbor gifts out? We're here to help.
When Tenille Farr was 16 weeks pregnant, she was unexpectedly diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Her doctors encouraged her to begin chemotherapy immediately, then deliver her baby early (26 weeks) in order to finish her chemo treatments.
Heidi is an Idahoan, housewife, and mother of three.
Oh, and she helps rescue children from sex slavery.
As a mother of four rough and tumble boys, Kim Mordue was overjoyed to finally welcome a baby girl into their family. Lily Ann brought a peaceful, happy spirit that blessed the Mordue family for two and a half years.
Early one morning, Wendilyn woke up to the worst day of her life.
Dozens of law enforcement officers, including U.S. Homeland Security agents, stormed her home, handcuffed her husband, and grabbed her children out of bed.
The “Girl Power” movement of the last few decades is alive and well.
In fact, I’m a product of it. I grew up idolizing Charlotte Doyle, Scout Finch, Meg Murray, Kit Tyler, Anne Shirley, and that girl who survived on an island of blue dolphins. Consequently, I’ve never doubted I can do anything.
IT'S HERE!! We are so excited to finally share this music with you.
In October 2015, President Russell M. Nelson issued a call to righteous women to “step forward! Take your rightful and needful place in your home, in your community, and in the kingdom of God—more than you ever have before." The three of us could NOT get this talk off our minds- and over the last year we've noticed a movement of righteous women rising up to answer this call.
If you know us at all, you know we're passionate about Holy Week. Since celebrating it with my family, I've noticed something happens to me on Good Friday. I often feel sad, even a little dark. This is no doubt due to the way we have studied and talked of Christ all week. The day of His crucifixion weighs heavy on my heart. It's a hard day for someone who naturally loves anything light and happy.
It's no secret I'm not a baker (proof here and here). Sure, I make cookies with my kids, but if I have to bake something for someone over 12 years old and it has to taste good AND look good AND be packaged in something other than a paper plate and a ziplock bag, I'm panicked. I'm not crafty either. That's why Christmas neighbor gifts stress me to the max. Some years they don't get done, and I know that's ok. But there are some years when I KNOW I need to make a few visits and spread some love.
On May 16th we’re asking everyone to go see the movie, “The Abolitionists”-- a hidden-camera-documentary about child trafficking. And here’s a disclaimer: We’re terrified to see this movie.